15 Ways to Say "Can’t Wait to See What the Future Holds" - Correctley (2024)

Have you ever heard a person say he or she can’t wait to see the future and experience it? We all know what it means and virtually every human has had that unnecessary anxiety at one time in life. It fades eventually with maturity.

However, there are times when we have to pass this particular message even in our adulthood. People build businesses, make investments, and do great things with high prospects of great yields.

30 Future Quotes

30 Future Quotes

Below are 15 other ways to say you can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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15 Ways To Say “can’t wait to see what the future holds”

15 Ways to Say "Can’t Wait to See What the Future Holds" - Correctley (1)

  1. I’m thrilled with prospects.
  2. I have high hopes.
  3. I yearn for the future.
  4. Tomorrow will be bright. I believe.
  5. I can’t wait to see tomorrow.
  6. I am anxious for the future.
  7. I await what the future brings.
  8. I anticipate a great future
  9. I can’t see the future. Yet, I yearn for it.
  10. I like what I see ahead of me.
  11. I am excited for the future.
  12. I can’t wait to see what comes next
  13. I am prepared for the future.
  14. I feel optimistic.
  15. Great things lie ahead.

15 Ways to Say "Can’t Wait to See What the Future Holds" - Correctley (2)

I am thrilled with prospects.

When you say you are thrilled with prospects, it means you are excited by your hopes. This shows a person’s anxiety for the future.

It means you are hoping for something to happen and you are already feeling the excitement which you believe will come with the manifestation of your hopes.

This is basically about the future since a person cannot hope for what has happened or is happening at the moment. When you hear of prospects, it is what a person hopes to get from something else.

Therefore, we can consider this statement a worthy replacement for ‘Can’t wait to see what the future holds’.

I have high hopes.

When a person says he or she has high hopes, it is usually about something or a particular topic and it is always positive.

When a person says he or she can’t wait to see what the future holds, it is always positive also, even though nothing in the statement necessarily points to positivity.

A person is never anxious for something negative. When a person is constantly thinking of the future, events must be playing out in his or her head. If it is negative, a person cannot claim to be impatient for that moment.

However, when the person says he or she can’t wait to see what the future hold, the person does not know exactly what will come but is definitely hoping that it would be positive.

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High hopes also refers to positivity. It is considered as a high level of optimism and can dishearten a person greatly if the result doesn’t come out as desired.

I yearn for the future.

This may be the most similar to the saying ‘Can’t wait to see what the future holds’. In both sayings, no particular topic is being pointed at. A person may have high hopes for his or her children. A person may have high hopes for his or her children.

A person may have high hopes for his or her marriage. However, when you say you yearn for the future, it is most likely pointing at yourself in the future.

The same applies when you say you can’t wait to see what the future holds, though not necessarily. You can also say you can’t wait to see what the future holds for your business or your family.

‘I yearn for the future’ is something you would most likely hear from a child or from an ignorant person. Children often yearn to grow older quickly.

At their young ages, they tend to believe that adults have more opportunities and they believe they will have more freedom and be happier when they grow up and become adults.

Even though that belief does not always turn out true, the though of it in the head of a child is usually positive. When they yearn for the future, they believe it’s positivity that awaits them.

Tomorrow will be bright. I believe it.

When a child says he or she yearns for the future, it sometimes is because the present moment does not feel good enough to him or her. However, when a person says he or she can’t wait to see what the future holds, it is often because he or she can see signs that the future will be interesting for him or her. It is rarely borne from negative feelings about the present.

When a Person says that he or she believes tomorrow will be bright, he must also have seen signs that suggest an interesting future to him.

This is slightly different from the statement it is being compared to. It declares that the future will be beautiful without showing the speaker’s anxiety. However, the words suggest hope and enthusiasm for the future.

I can’t wait to see tomorrow.

This is much similar to the option stated above but this one takes it a step further. Also, this is almost exactly the same as ‘Can’t Wait to see what the future holds’.

When a person says tomorrow will be bright, the person may have seen signs and may have reasons for saying so. However, there is an element of hope in the statement. The person has thought about it and expects the future to work out well for him or her.

While the option stated earlier this one verbally state that the speaker is anxious, this one does. You can even merge the two saying together; ‘Tomorrow is bright. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’.

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I am anxious for the future.

We can consider this as a way of saying ‘Can’t wait to see what the future holds’ in different English words.

You can choose to simply express that you are anxious for the future. It implies that you can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store for you. It may also just simply refer to one particular time in the future which you have replayed over and over again in your mind.

You can be anxious about your future car, marriage or children. In this case, you are not excited to grow into that future but into the situation or event which you have consistently thought of.

I await what the future holds.

As we compare other similar in sayings to ‘can’t wait to see what the future holds’, this saying sounds like a positive version of it. ‘I await what the future holds’ is also referring to the future but there is usually a different feeling in a person who says ‘can’t wait’ and a person who says ‘await’.

A person who can’t wait for the future is impatient for the future. This is where the difference is between this phrase and ‘can’t wait to see what the future holds’. This phrase on the other hand uses ‘await’ which means the speaker is still patient to enough to be able to wait.

Another major difference between the two sayings is that being unable to wait for the future shows the level of anxiety of a person and also suggests that the person has seen positivity in his or her future.

While awaiting the future means a person is not anxious for the future and does not exactly know whether there is positivity or not but he or she is interested in seeing the results or aftermath of an action or a sudden change.

I anticipate a great future.

This is another perfectly rephrased English version of the saying it is being compared to. As mentioned earlier, there is impatience when a person says ‘can’t wait’.

While that is equally the literal meaning of the saying, ‘Can’t wait’ is literally used to mean eager expectations of something that a person wants which can also be considered similar to impatience.

When you say ‘anticipate’, it is basically the same as being eager with a person’s expectations. We can also consider this positive since you cannot be eager for something if you don’t already have a notion about it.

When a person anticipates, he or she hopes for something and waits eagerly for it.

I can’t see the future. Yet I yearn for it.

When a child yearns for food, it is asking for it right away. While ‘Can’t wait’ can be considered as a level of exaggeration on how the speaker feels toward his or her expectations, ‘yearn’ in this statement may even be more exaggerated.

When a person yearns for something, he or she starves of it and craves.

Although the person says he or she cannot see the future, the person must have had a positive notion about what lies ahead of him or her and that notion leads to the yearning, as the person is desperate to know if that positive notion will come to pass or not

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Truly, a person cannot see the future. However, we can have ideas and guesses about what is coming. Sometimes, our notions are just guided by what we want for ourselves.

I like what I see ahead of me.

Just like the saying ‘Can’t wait to see what the future holds’, this saying also talks about the future. The speaker claims to see something ahead but it is just an idea of what he or she wants or a notion that other forces have put in the person’s head.

When the speaker says he or she likes what he or she sees ahead, it means the person’s idea of the future is a positive one. The eagerness clearly shown in ‘Can’t wait to see what the future holds’ is nowhere to be found in this saying.

I am excited for the future.

When something excites a person, he or she keeps thinking about it on a positive note. This makes the saying similar to ‘Can’t wait to see what the future holds’.

Whoever says this must have positive thoughts about the future, influenced by one thing or the other from his or her surroundings. The person’s thoughts have been shaped to satisfy him or her and the person does not doubt how possible it is for the future to arrive just as hoped.

I can’t wait to see what comes next.

When a person says ‘future’, it usually refers to a time that’s still far from the present moment. That is what makes this saying different from the one it is being compared to.

The use of ‘what comes next’ slightly implies that this ‘future’ is near and the person does not have an idea of what will come. The use of ‘Can’t wait’ suggests that the person is eager for the time to come quickly.

That may be because the present moment is connected or close to the ‘next’ being referred to. For example, if a series of surprises are been shown to me and I know it’s not the end, I can guess that the next surprise will be positive.

I may also guess that the next surprise will be bigger than the others that have been shown to me.

I am prepared for the future.

When a person claims to be prepared, he or she must have had an idea of what he or she must prepare for.

While the person may not know exactly what is coming in the future, he or she may have anticipated challenges and opportunities that may come with his or her actions.

When a person says he or she cannot wait for the future, it may also be because the person ‘thinks’ he or she is prepared for what may happen in the future.

I feel optimistic

This implies that the speaker expects positivity in the future. However, the speaker may not exactly have an idea of what may happen in the future. It may be a mere feeling.

This is similar to the saying it is being compared to because it is about a positive future but this does not suggest eagerness in the speaker.

Great things lie ahead.

This suggests that the person can see clear signs of positivity in his or her future, though it may still be a mere prediction.

This only suggests that a person is hopeful but it doesn’t show the speaker’s eagerness for the future.

15 Ways to Say "Can’t Wait to See What the Future Holds" - Correctley (2024)


What can I say instead of can't wait to see you? ›

What is another word for can't wait?
looking forward to itI await with great anticipation
I'm counting down the daysoooh can't wait

What the future holds expression? ›

Finally, what the future holds means 'what will happen in the future'.

How do you say can't wait professionally? ›

Looking Forward Synonym: I can't wait to … I'm excited about … I'm counting downs the days until … I await the opportunity to …

What does can't wait to see you mean? ›

to be very excited about something and eager to do or experience it: I can't wait to see you. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What can I say instead of looking forward to seeing you? ›

Synonyms of look forward to
  • expect.
  • anticipate.
  • await.
  • look for.
  • watch (for)
  • hope (for)
  • rely (on or upon)
  • depend (on or upon)

What is a polite way of saying wait? ›

“Just” is a mild version of “wait” that sounds politer. Give me just a moment please. It is similar to “wait a moment”, which can be shortened to “give me a sec” in a conversation.

What future holds synonyms? ›

  • ahead of time.
  • happen in the future.
  • what lies ahead.
  • what the future holds for us.
  • arise in the future.
  • awaiting us.
  • be done in the future.
  • come in the future.

What are some phrases using the word future? ›

Phrases Containing future
  • at a later/future date.
  • for future reference.
  • future tense.
  • in/for the foreseeable future.
  • in future.
  • no future.
  • mortgage the/one's future.
  • the wave of the future.
Jun 25, 2023

What is it called when you can tell the future? ›

Precognition (from the Latin prae- 'before', and cognitio 'acquiring knowledge') is the purported psychic phenomenon of seeing, or otherwise becoming directly aware of, events in the future.

What are different ways to say eagerly waiting? ›

  1. alert.
  2. anticipative.
  3. anxious.
  4. apprehensive.
  5. awaiting.
  6. breathless.
  7. eager.
  8. expecting.

How do you professionally say I look forward to working with you? ›

I'm looking forward to working together

This is a particularly useful expression for emails and letters. When you start a project with a new colleague or a client, adding “I'm looking forward to working with you on this project” near the end of your email shows respect and that you are keen to get on well together.

How do you describe can't wait? ›

Be very eager, anxious, or impatient, as in We can't wait for the baseball season to begin or I can't wait to see Dad—it's been a year.

How do you use can't wait in a sentence? ›

"I can't wait. They are going to announce the contest winners today." "I can't wait for summer to get here, I don't like the cold weather."

What is the meaning of let's wait see? ›

C1. to wait to discover what will happen: No decision will be made until next year, so you'll just have to wait and see.

What does nothing that can't wait mean? ›

1. used for saying that something does not need to be done now​/​needs to be done now.

How do you say looking forward professionally? ›

“I'm Looking Forward To Hearing From You ”: Business-Friendly Alternatives
  1. I'm eagerly awaiting your response. ...
  2. Your prompt response would be appreciated. ...
  3. Thank you for your timely response. ...
  4. I hope to hear from you soon. ...
  5. Please keep me informed of any updates. ...
  6. [Be direct and include a call-to-action]

How do you look forward to the future? ›

Here are 5 tips you can try to find things to look forward to.
  1. 1: Create small-scale special occasions. If you feel like the pandemic has warped your sense of time, you're not alone. ...
  2. 2: Use your calendar. Keep track of fun things that may be coming up. ...
  3. 3: Plan for something in the future. ...
  4. 4: Send snail mail.

What is another way of saying moving forward? ›

On this page you'll find 21 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to moving forward, such as: growing, progressing, accelerating, advancing, continuing, and developing.

What is a fancy word for wait? ›

1. await, linger, abide, delay.

How do you say wait in many ways? ›

Ways of telling or asking someone to wait - thesaurus
  1. hold on. phrasal verb. ...
  2. just wait until/till. phrase. ...
  3. hang on/hold on a minute. phrase. ...
  4. wait a minute/second. phrase. ...
  5. just a minute/moment/second. phrase. ...
  6. let me see/think. phrase. ...
  7. bear with me/us. phrasal verb. ...
  8. something will have to wait. phrase.

What is another way to say we will get back to you shortly? ›

I'll look into it right away and have an answer for you as soon as possible. That's a great question! I'll look into it right away and have an answer for you as soon as possible.

What are 3 simple future sentences? ›

The Simple Future Tense
  • I will meet him later (I'll ..)
  • You will come (you'll..)
  • It will rain tomorrow (it'll)
  • She will be late (she'll..)
  • He will help us later (he'll..)
  • We will get married in September (we'll)
  • They will cook dinner (they'll..)

What is a easy sentence for future? ›

The formula for the simple future is will + [root form of verb]. I will learn a new language. Jen will read that book. My brothers will sleep till noon if no one wakes them up.

How do you say future without saying future? ›

Use the Present Continuous to Talk About the Future

You can use the present continuous – “am/is/are going to” – to talk about the future.

Who knows what the future holds quotes? ›

No one knows what the future holds, except the One Who holds the future!

What is the word for waiting for something exciting? ›

Anticipation is excitement, waiting eagerly for something you know is going to happen.

What is another word for eagerly desire? ›

Some common synonyms of eager are anxious, athirst, avid, and keen. While all these words mean "moved by a strong and urgent desire or interest," eager implies ardor and enthusiasm and sometimes impatience at delay or restraint.

What is a better word for eagerly? ›

eagerly. enthusiastically. fearlessly. stoutly. with one's head held high.

What is another way to say looking forward to connecting? ›

“Looking forward to connecting with you” is suitable for formal and informal email exchanges. For particularly formal communications, you could use the alternative “await the opportunity to connect with you.” For less formal circ*mstances, you can simply say “excited to connect with you.”

How do you say I look forward to working with you again in the future? ›

I look forward to working with you again soon
  1. Mr. ...
  2. I would never ordinarily speak to you that way and I look forward to working on your service again soon.
  3. Loretta, I look forward to calling on you again soon.
  4. I look forward to corresponding with you again.
  5. I look forward to jamming with you again.

Is looking forward to working with you all correct? ›

Therefore, the grammatically correct sentence is “Looking forward to working with you.”

What is a synonym for looking forward? ›

Synonyms of look forward to (verb expect; predict) assume. await. count on. forecast.

How do you say I'll wait for you without saying it? ›

“I'm Looking Forward to Hearing From You”: Casual Alternatives
  1. I can't wait to hear from you. Consider this option the casual way of saying I'm eagerly awaiting your response. ...
  2. I'm excited to hear from you. ...
  3. We'll talk soon. ...
  4. I'm always happy to hear from you. ...
  5. Keep me posted.

What is a better way to say to see? ›

Synonyms of see
  • notice.
  • eye.
  • spot.
  • regard.
  • view.
  • observe.
  • note.
  • sight.

How do you say goodbye to someone you will never see again? ›

Say one of these when leaving your final visit, or write it in a card to your loved one.
  1. Goodbye, my dearest.
  2. Farewell, my friend.
  3. You will be greatly missed.
  4. You are forever in our hearts.
  5. Until we meet again.
  6. I will never forget you.
  7. Thank you for the memories.
  8. Thank you for the life we shared.

What is a synonym for future looking? ›

  • anticipating.
  • anticipative.
  • assured.
  • at ease.
  • blithe.
  • buoyant.
  • calm.
  • cheerful.

What can I say instead of excited? ›

  • thrilled.
  • delighted.
  • electrified.
  • inspired.
  • intrigued.
  • exhilarated.
  • intoxicated.
  • galvanized.

How do you say looking forward to an opportunity? ›

I look forward to having the opportunity to hopefully work with you on your new business adventure. Example: And I look forward to the opportunity To share my ideas for a modern approach To law enforcement. I look forward to having the pleasure of standing opposite you.

How do you say hope without saying it? ›

Synonyms of hope (for)
  1. expect.
  2. anticipate.
  3. watch (for)
  4. await.
  5. wait (for)
  6. look forward to.
  7. look for.
  8. depend (on or upon)

What is the saying can't wait? ›

Definition of 'can't wait/can hardly wait'

If you say that you can't wait to do something or can hardly wait to do it, you are emphasizing that you are very excited about it and eager to do it.

How do you say how are you without actually saying it? ›

Take a look at our tips for saying hello below!
  1. What's going on?
  2. What's new (with you)?
  3. What's up?
  4. How have you been?
  5. How's everything?
  6. How's it going?
  7. You all right?
  8. Hey, hey man. Hi.

How do you say things professionally? ›

1 Use active voice. To sound more professional, be concise and to the point. Short and uncomplicated sentence structure that uses active verb phrases and minimizes passive voice will express your point more quickly and clearly, avoiding potential miscommunication and confusion.

What is another word for seeing things clearly? ›

On this page you'll find 285 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to clear-sighted, such as: visionary, discerning, extrasensory, farseeing, far-sighted, and fey.

What are other words for clear to see? ›

  • obvious.
  • apparent.
  • evident.
  • unmistakable.
  • straightforward.
  • distinct.
  • broad.
  • transparent.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.