6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (2024)

Have you heard of Odeo?

In 2005, Evan Williams launched a podcast platform called Odeo. The platform went as far as a Series A before shutting down when Apple launched podcast support on iTunes. Hisnext product would go on to earn more than 330 million monthly users and a net worth of over $49 billion. But before that could happen, Evan Williams and his co-founders would leave no stone unturned in their market research methods.

In this blog, we’ll cover:

  • What is Market Research?
  • 6 Best Market Research Tools
  • Market Research Types and Methods
  • Steps in Market Research Process
  • Market Research Examples

What is Market Research?

Market research is a process of gathering, analyzing, and understanding information about your target market.

Market research involves interacting with, and getting the feedback of potential customers, from a company’s target market. We do this with the help of market research apps or tools.

Then, businesses use this feedback to fine-tune their products, services, experiences or campaigns, or check the viability of new products and services. That’s why market research methods are a significant component of business planning.

6 Best Market Research Tools

Here are the 6 best market research tools for 2022.

  1. SurveySparrow
  2. Make My Persona
  3. Social Mention
  4. Ubersuggest
  5. Statista
  6. ThriveCart

1. SurveySparrow

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (1)

SurveySparrow is one of the powerful free market research tools for creating insightful market research surveys to study your market in-depth.

  • It has hundreds of templates to help you craft the perfect study yourself without investing in an agency.
  • Fromdemographic researchandcustomer needstoproduct-market fitandpricing strategy, market research surveys will give your business that much-needed competitive edge. Check out this market survey example.

Survey templates like this can save you time on question creation and help you focus on getting insights. Get access to more templates (and customize them however you like) with a free account.

14-Day Free Trial • No Credit Card Required • No Strings Attached

2. Make My Persona

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (2)

Defining your audience is the most effective way to market your brand.

Each user has a persona of their own – be it their occupation, age, gender, or the purpose of using your products.Make My Personalets you create a buyer persona that your business can use to understand your target audience better.

  • All you need to do is choose a name, age, career, and your buyer’s needs.
  • Then, before you invest time and resources in building a new product, you can refer to your list of buyer personas to find your ideal customer.

3. Social Mention

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (3)

Where does your brand pop up in the search? Social Mention helps you find out. Social Mention is a free market research tool that ensures you don’t miss a single comment about your brand on the internet. You can use it to discover brand mentions on blogs, comments, news sites, and more.

  • Social Mention gives you a glimpse into the top keywords and hashtags associated with your brand name.
  • It also does a basic sentiment analysis of mentions and sorts them into positive, neutral, and negative. What’s more, you can download each data as a CSV file.

4. Ubersuggest

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (4)

Ubersuggest is one of the best market research tools among digital marketers for its keyword research abilities.

  • Through its Competitive Analysis feature, it lets you find out your competitor’s keywords, their best-performing pages, and monthly search traffic.
  • Moreover, you can also find out what your audience searches for through the Keyword Analyzer and figure out the kind of content that generates traffic.

Interestingly, Ubersuggest has a new feature called Backlink Opportunities that lets you compare your domain with your competitor’s to uncover backlink opportunities.

5. Statista

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (5)

Another valuable market research tool to have in your arsenal isStatista. Statista is a data visualization website that retrieves data from the internet and converts it into an easy-to-understand format.

  • As a result, researchers and marketers can analyze information at a glance, saving a ton of time and effort.
  • Visualizations and charts are updated each year.

Market research example: A research study on the increasing use of cosmetics among women. The statistics of the year 2015 won’t be the same as the year 2020, and the graph will automatically update over the years.

6. ThriveCart

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (6)

There’s one more market research software that you can add to your armory – ThriveCart.

  • While this tool is an online shopping cart solution, it can also be used to upsell your products and boost click-to-sale conversation rates.
  • ThriveCart can also be integrated into most of your favorite marketing software to spike your digital/physical products/services sales.

What are the Different Types of Market Research?

There are two types of market research methods:

  • Primary:This is also called field research. Primary market research methods require going out into the field to collect data – or in other words, doing the research yourselves.
  • Secondary:This type is also known as desk research. Secondary research is the research done by others that you would want to utilize.

For the purpose of this blog, we shall focus on primary market research methods.

The 5 Primary Market Research Methods

  • Focus Groups
  • Surveys
  • One-on-One Interviews
  • Observation

#1. Focus Groups

It is one of those marketing research methods that seem simple in theory but is tricky to practice.

  • Focus groups gather a group of people in a room. These participants are a carefully chosen sample that represents a target population.
  • Then a moderator is put in charge. The moderator suggests a topic for discussion – a new idea for a product, opinions on feature updates, political views, etc.

These freestyle discussions are a treasure trove of information for the researcher. They can glean many insights from the participants during an open debate.

But one of the downsides is that focus groups can go off-topic and wander into unintended territories. What’s more,dominance biasandmoderator biascan skew the results.

Nevertheless, focus groups are one of the best means to conduct qualitative and exploratory research.

#2. Surveys

Survey research is, by far, the most common marketing research method. This is because surveys are convenient and can be administered through phone, in-person, and online questionnaires.

  • The questions in a survey are either closed-ended or open-ended. Hence survey data is a mix of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Close-ended questions are of different types: ranging from dichotomous (questions with two answer options: yes or no), checkbox, rating scales, and multi-choice to the fancier ones like matrix (where the answer choices are in a grid) and thesemantic differential.

While surveys are convenient, crafting the questions and format requires some skill. That’s because good questions form the foundation of good analysis.

On the other hand, online surveys are pretty straightforward, inexpensive, and let you collect data quickly. Online survey platformsalso have a ton of features that lets you automate the surveys.

#3. One-on-One Interviews

In one-on-one interviews, the interviewer has a direct conversation with the respondent. So among all the market research methods, this one is the most personal.

  • Through interviews, one can probe deep into the respondent’s mind and investigate interesting aspects in greater detail.
  • The interviewer must choose good leading questions that offer more insights for this market research method to truly work. Then, it’s up to the interviewer to decide how they want the interview to go forward.

For example, will it be a casual conversation loosely based on your topic or a highly structured interview based on specific questions?

Apart from the fact that one-on-one interviews can be time-consuming and costly, they are worth it. As a business, speaking to a customer will help you become more empathetic, and you get a chance to see your brand from their point of view.

It’s best to do one-on-one interviews in person. If that is not possible, the next best option is video conferencing.

#4. Observation

Observation research can be of 2 types: observation with very little interaction and some level of interaction. Among all the market research methods, this one tests actual behavior. In other words, the researcher observes the consumer using the product/service in real-time.

A fly-on-the-wall observation is an excellent way to assess real-time reactions. Standard observation methods are:

  • In-store observation:This is common in the retail industry. In this method, we observe shoppers in a store setting. What do they notice at first, and how do they behave within the store?
  • Contextual inquiry:With a combination of interviews and observations, the researcher assesses the consumer as they use their product.
  • Eye-tracking:Eye-tracking technology creates heat maps of the user’s eye movements while viewing a website. It shows you the most and least viewed portions. Using this information, you can optimize the website.

#5. Experiments and Field Trials

Experiments are based on two variables – a dependent and an independent variable.

  • In this method, the researcher varies the independent variable to test its effect on the dependent variable.
  • The main objective here is to try if there is causality between variables. For example, does the independent variable cause a change in the dependent variable?

Experiments and field trials can either be in a controlled environment or a natural setting. An example of this in real life is A/B testing for a website. Modifying elements like the banner image, Call To Action, or website design can affect click-through rates and sign-ups.

4 Steps in Marketing Research Process

Now that we have learned about market research methods and tools, let’s talk about the four basic market research steps.

#1. Define the problem

What’s your objective for the research? Researchers should have a clear idea of what information they have with them and what is needed. This will help when they draft questions.

To ensure that the questions are foolproof, do a test survey with a small group and judge their responses. You can then measure the margin of error with an MoE calculator.

#2. Select the sample

To conduct market research, researchers need a sample representative of their target population. The sample must have similar characteristics to the target audience to obtain the most accurate results.

Thelarger the sample, the better because a large sample can reduce the effect of bias. However, remember that the survey will always have a slight bias since not all people will answer it or complete it.

You can select the sample through probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling. The former is a random selection, while the latter is chosen for specific demographics like age or gender.

#3. Collect and analyze the data

Data is precious. So make sure that your team tracks and records every response regardless of the feedback channel.

Then, once all the answers are collected, analyze the results and interpret them to form your research findings. You can speed up the process with business research tools like SurveySparrow.

#4. Finally, present your findings as a report

To create the best report, answer the most important questions that led to the investigation in the first place.

Then, to make the numbers more accessible, find humanity in the middle of it all. People by nature are hardwired to remember stories –craft your data to tell an interesting story. In fact, you can convert your data into an appealing visual dashboard with SurveySparrow’s Executive Dashboard function.

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (7)

Market Research Examples

There are so many market research examples out there that it would be a very long blog indeed if we were to cover them all! So let’s talk about one market research example.

Consider the unique story of Kellogg’s.

Kellogg’s – the much-loved cereal brand- decided to enter the Indian market in 1994. With a series of massive launches and marketing campaigns, Kellogg’s stepped in with a bang.

But its initial foray into India did not go smoothly. So let’s see what went wrong and how Kellogg’s overcame this challenge.

  • They saw their sales decline a few months after launch. Analysis revealed that there were no repeat purchases of cereals.
  • Now that they got to the bottom of “what happened,” they needed answers to “why did this happen?”
  • This is where marketing research came in. Kellogg’s decided to study Indian food habits.
  • The study found that Indian consumers are used to boiling their milk and having it warm with sugar. So the challenge here was to convince customers to have their Kellogg’s with cold milk rather than hot – since crispy flakes would turn soggy in warm milk.
  • Besides, Indian customers were used to heavy breakfasts like parathas and dosas. So bland cereal did not seem like a good substitute – that too at twice the price of competitors.
Every cloud (or bowl) has a silver lining. Here’s how Kellogg’s turned the situation around.

After their initial market research, Kellogg’s fine-tuned their marketing strategy in India.

  • The first to go from their packaging was their brand mascot “Corny,” the green rooster. Corny didn’t sit well with Indian consumers, who were predominantly vegetarian.
  • They introduced flavors like banana and mango to suit Indian taste buds.
  • Kellogg’s also rolled out ad campaigns that repositioned cornflakes as an evening snack for kids to recapture their market share.
  • Furthermore, they fortified the cornflakes with iron and added phrases like “shakti”(strength) to appeal to Indian consumers.
  • Kellogg’s lowered the prices of its products and started to offer a variety of pack sizes. A variant called Frosties, launched in 1997, was also a great success.

Thanks to their market research, Kellogg’s now enjoys a 70% market share in breakfast cereals and is an undisputed leader in the Indian market, despite the initial challenges.

Wrapping up

Market research is the foundation of any successful market strategy. So before embarking on a research project, consider your objective, budget, and the time and resources available.

We hope this list of market research methods and tools will help you find the data you need faster. Time to take your business to the next level!

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (8)

Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps (2024)


6 Best Market Research Tools — Market Research Methods & Steps? ›

The recommended core five steps in the marketing research process are: define the problem or opportunity, develop your marketing research plan, collect relevant data and information, analyze data and report findings, and put your research into action.

What are the steps and the tools to do a market research? ›

The recommended core five steps in the marketing research process are: define the problem or opportunity, develop your marketing research plan, collect relevant data and information, analyze data and report findings, and put your research into action.

Which tools are used for market research? ›

20 market research tools
  • Census Bureau. Census Bureau is a free resource for searching the United States census information. ...
  • Make My Persona. Make My Persona is a tool that can allow you to visualize a buyer for a new product. ...
  • Paperform. ...
  • SurveyMonkey. ...
  • Loop11. ...
  • Statista. ...
  • Userlytics. ...
  • Pew Research Center.
Feb 3, 2023

What are the 6 elements of market? ›

For any business, whether a global enterprise or small company, a comprehensive plan that outlines every possible avenue to attract customers' attention is vital. The building blocks of an effective marketing strategy include the 6 P's of marketing: product, price, place, promotion, people, and presentation.

What are the 6 and 7 steps in the research process? ›

Research Process Steps
  • Step 1: Identify the Problem. Finding an issue or formulating a research question is the first step. ...
  • Step 2: Evaluate the Literature. ...
  • Step 3: Create Hypotheses. ...
  • Step 4: The Research Design. ...
  • Step 5: Describe Population. ...
  • Step 6: Data Collection. ...
  • Step 7: Data Analysis. ...
  • Step 8: The Report-writing.

What are the six main tools of research explain each? ›

Research tools are specific mechanisms or strategies that the researcher uses to collect, manipulate, or interpret data. Six general tools of research: 1) the library and its resources, 2) the computer and its software, 3) techniques of measurement, 4) statistics, 5) the human mind, and 6) language.

What are the main methods of market research? ›

There are lots of different ways you could conduct market research and collect customer data, but you don't have to limit yourself to just one research method. Four common types of market research techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

What are the steps of marketing process? ›

Steps in the Marketing Process
  • Step 1: Understand Both the Marketplace and Customers. ...
  • Step 2: Develop a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy. ...
  • Step 3: Deliver High Customer Value. ...
  • Step 4: Grow Profitable Customer Relations. ...
  • Step 5: Capture Customer Value in the Form of Profits.
Jan 25, 2023

What is an example of a research tool? ›

Research instruments are tools used for data collection and analysis. Researchers can use these tools in most fields. In business, they aid marketers in market research and customer behaviour study. Some examples of research instruments include interviews, questionnaires, online surveys, and checklists.

What is most valuable tool in market research? ›

The best tool for market research is the one that helps your company learn the most about your target audience. For some businesses, that will be an analytics tool like Google Trends. For others, it will be a customer survey tool like Qualaroo.

What are the four tools of research? ›

Read a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of four primary research tools (interviews, focus groups, surveys and observation).

What are 5 good research questions and answers? ›

The Five Research Questions
  • What information do I need?
  • Where do I find information?
  • Which information can I trust?
  • How can I use new information in my writing?
  • How do I use information ethically?

What is 7 point scale in marketing research? ›

A 7-Point Likert Scale is commonly used to measure attitudes, knowledge, perceptions, values, and behavioral changes. The 7-question psychometric scale can help you understand the views and perspectives of the market towards your brand.

What are the 7 P's of marketing research? ›

Once you've developed your marketing strategy, there is a "Seven P Formula" you should use to continually evaluate and reevaluate your business activities. These seven are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people.

Are there six main stages in the marketing cycle? ›

Enter the six phases of a great marketing process developed by Benson P. Shapiro. This process involves research, creating a strategy, planning out your activities, allocating resources, implementing that plan, and then iterating based on your metrics.

What are the 5 P's of market research? ›

The 5 areas you need to make decisions about are: PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACE AND PEOPLE. Although the 5 Ps are somewhat controllable, they are always subject to your internal and external marketing environments. Read on to find out more about each of the Ps.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.